Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The entertainer that did not want the people listening

I would like to ask you a question, when you watch a tv show or a theatre movie at the moment, how do you usualy do it ?

a) Mostly on the internet

b) on Tv or in the theatre

If you are not making a lot of money at the moment, it is probable that you choose to get your entertainment online when it comes to movies that are less than stellar. You might go the the movies from time to time but you'll mostly watch the b series and fourth remakes online. In my case, I went for Avatar, I might go again for Transformers 3. Some people might go only for their favorit Director but in any case, with today's prices you won't go see everything out of home. It's time and money consuming.

Tv shows are totaly dominated by HBO who has the best series in the world by a long shot from any competitor (Game of Thrones, True blood, The Pacific, Band of brothers, The Sopranos, Sex and the City, Oz, Rome, Spartacus). These are just a few examples of the shining succes of HBO shows.

These shows are so popular that a majority of people would elect to make them part of their personal entertainment selection if they could watch for free and at a time that is convenient to them. That is a stellar result, better than almost anything in the whole history of entertainment. Over half the POPULATION wants to watch this stuff.

That's no accident either, in 2011 our social level of specialization is reaching dizzing heights in every field, including entertainment.

Yet HBO is strugguling to make money. HBO is not watched enough, can you believe that ?


Why ? Making good shows is expensive and when you restrict who can watch based on who can pay, you limit the number of people watching.

Incredible isn't it ? PRICED OUT of your own market by your own supperior quality of product ???

Yet this is happening to HBO at the moment.

So why not make it free online world wide?

Provide 100 languages in text and twenty in sound dubing and advertise !! This way HBO should theoreticaly gain a timeshare of worldwide entertainment viewers time that would be very considerable. Based entierly on the quality of the shows. Not to mention that a deal could be found with Google to do this at no cost.

That would basicaly place them in a situation like Facebook. Have a large time share of the population's attention during the day. Making it very attractive. Furthermore this access is gained when people are relaxing, therefore most receptive to suggestion. The selfsame reason there are ads on TV at home and not on your computer at work.

Once that is gained it's easy to develop "popcorn sessions" and let people watch TV with friends and webcams open... or any other social type of stuff. That will consumate more time, you can add a chat service and a small intern mail and photo system. Basicaly the longer you keep them hooked, the more time
you have to advertise.

The some 800 million people with broadband internet access of the world could access this service (by the way, they happen to be the top 800 million in terms of wealth, neat little segmentation), even if only 10% choose to use it. Smallish value compared to how many people would choose to access HBO series for free. 80 million wealthy people is great !! The Sopranos, widely recogniszed to be the most successful show on recent TV only had 11 million viewers !!

If you make these 80 million people watch 2 adds each every day that's 160 million targetted and verified impressions of the add per day. That's 54 BILLION verified and targeted impressions per year. Even at 0.1 cent per impression that's still 5.4 billion dollars of extra revenue. With potentialy no cost.

"Look after the customer and the business will take care of itself"

- Ray Kroc (founder of McDonald's)

It is time the entertainment industy recongnized it is closer in nature to a supermarket than to an art galery and started giving people what people want, free TV and Movies. Instead the morons that run these companies have elected to fight with their own consumer base through legal means and to punish their customers for, well, consuming the product in a way they deem unfit.

MADNESS !!!!  Madness and stupidity !! Adapt you you shall survive.

Another quote to reflect on before leaving you:

The army's formation is like water.
The water's formation avoids the high and rushes to the low. So an army's formation avoids the strong and rushes to the weak. Water's formation adapts to the ground when flowing. So then an army's formation adapts to the enemy to achieve victory. Therefore, an army does not have constant force, or have constant formation.
Those who are able to adapt and change in accord with the enemy and achieve victory are called divine.

- Sun Tzu, the art of war

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