Friday, September 2, 2011

FIRED UP ? Not so much.

I've just watched the Full FOX republican presidential debate, so that you, faithful reader, don't have to endure it.

you can catch it here :!

Lots of tough talk, not many ideas.

In short :

Worst fucking nightmare : Rick Santorum (Hitler's spiritual grandchild)

Least horrible : Ron Paul or Mitt Romney

Best scores from the (republican) public : Herman Cain (the black guy, who's up for an all black election in '12 ?? ) with 72% positive rating, close second was Ron Paul with 70%

Worst score : Pawlenty with 20% positive rating.

Gayest candidate (in spirit only since the man has 7 kids) : Jon Huntsman heroically steals the price from Pawlenty. (If these two ever decide to get a civil union I'd support that)

Now that Rick Perry joined the race he might be worth looking at since he's good looking, always a plus in an American election. But he's too close in terms of image to George W. Bush to win the independents in '12 in my opinion so not really an issue.

Hottest candidate : Michelle Bachmann, also she's from Minnesota so she gets extra points from me and yet more points for arguing a woman should be "submissive" to her husband :)

She got asked about being "submissive" as a president and fumbled something about "submissive" really meaning respect.

Wonder why God didn't just say respect in that case... A much better answer, in case she's reading, is to separate the role of wife and president. Both come with diverse sets of obligations.

Least green candidate : Huntsman, the guy actually wants to close down the EPA. He created a cancer institute, here's an idea Jon : don't give people cancer in the first place ;-)

Newt GingRich is still kicking, the guy's best chance at being president at this point is an alien invasion... But he's a decent politician (comeback wise) I give this to him, too establishment to ever win in 2012 tough.

Overall, these no one even comes close to Barack Obama in terms of political talent, oratory skill or eloquence. But the voters will be confronted to the reality of Obama against the election promises of the Republican candidate. That on top of the fact that Obama didn't get any whiter in 4 years and that this time he has no Bush bonus and won't run again'st a half dead candidate with no money and a wacko for vice president.

Put all that together and I predict a republican victory in '12. If the elephants manage not to choose a far righter, they can take this election easily enough. Unless 15 million unemployed suddenly find a job or drop dead that is.